These four brave women L-R Marcia (CO), Kelly (CO), Wendy (OR) and Cristin (WA) endured SNOW, RAIN, WIND, BITTER COLD to organize a garage for their client practicum project last week. The client made smart and courageous decisions and released 90% of what was on her garage floor and another 20% on the shelves (we didn't get to everything). Please welcome Marcia, Kelly, Wendy and Cristin to the Professional Organizer community! Here's what Wendy had to say about her training experience this past week, "Anne, participating in the Professional Organizer Training Institute's program was very exciting for me. I came away with valuable information that I will be able to begin using right away and throughout my career as a Professional Organizer. Being able to work on an actual organizing project has provided skills that may not have been gained by just the classroom presentation. Even the snow, rain, wind and cold will not detour me from continuing to help clients with ...